How Mariposa Community Health Center Tightened Up Code Blue Responses with Technology and Training
Mariposa Community Health Center adopted Stat safety tools, which equips healthcare staff with safety badges on their person and tablets inside exam rooms, allowing them to call for assistance at the push of a button. Customizable alerts notify teams of various emergencies, including:
When a patient experiences a medical emergency in a clinic, care teams must respond quickly and with clear coordination. Emergencies such as code blues are high-stake, and unprepared teams may experience a clunky, frazzled response. At Mariposa CHC, a stressful code blues highlighted several areas that needed improvement:
Gaby Calvillo, a proactive nurse lead at Mariposa, initiated regular code blue drills to help emergency preparedness. Unannounced trainings simulate emergency situations across different clinical locations—from the front desk to exam rooms—ensuring all departments that interact with patients are prepared. Since implementing these drills coupled with Stat, Mariposa has seen significant improvements:
A patient undergoing an X-ray in the radiology department began having a seizure. The radiology team quickly used the Stat tablet to activate a “rapid response” alert. Instantly, the nursing department—located across the building—received the notification on multiple devices. The notification included the exact room to respond to, mobilizing them to arrive swiftly and provide immediate treatment.
During an exam, a patient suddenly lost consciousness, and collapsed to the floor. The provider, catching the patient, also ended up on the floor and was unable to reach the Stat tablet across the room. Fortunately, they were wearing a Stat safety badge equipped with a duress button. With a simple push, the care team outside the exam room was alerted, receiving the exam room number. Within minutes, staff arrived to assist the provider in treating the patient.
Mariposa CHC exemplifies how healthcare teams can take proactive measures to enhance emergency preparedness. By combining regular training drills with innovative technology like Stat, they have enhanced response efficiency, patient outcomes, and staff confidence.
Is your healthcare team ready for the next emergency? Stat can help you customize a solution that fits your clinical environment, increasing the safety of both staff and patients. Let’s create a safer healthcare system.